Let’s all go boarding with One Piece!

Let's all go boarding with One Piece!

Sabor continues the long-established collaboration with Toei Animation for One Piece! The animated TV series, based on the manga, has had a resounding success for years involving a transversal audience and is dominating 2023. A year that will end with the arrival of the highly anticipated live action TV series on Netflix to be released on August 31st. One Piece is one of the absolute protagonists in fashion, from fast fashion to the catwalks, many stylists have interpreted this character in their collections. Among the latest important collaborations there is the one signed by GCDS, where Made in Italy mixes perfectly with pop culture in many of the brand’s garments.
Sabor, thanks to the creativity of its stylists, creates graphic proposals that are renewed every season because you never get tired of One Piece, now more than ever.